Mobile application


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Paper + markers


Practice- get to know UX design process.


July 2020 - 1 month


UX designer, UI designer


Dental clinic (hypotetical)


Booking appointments, medical history, medical calendar, contact info.


Simple, modern, serious.

See prototype

The app is designed for patients who visit the clinic regularly, but also for those who visit it only from time to time. The main function is to ease appointments booking - the patient can choose the doctor, read about their qualifications and education, choose which type of treatment one needs and then choose an hour and a day of the visit. All the booked appointments are visible in the calendar and can be changed or cancelled if needed. Dentico provides information about the dental condition of the patient. It makes the patient aware of their dental problems but also helps to take care of dental hygiene better and encourages them to visit a dentist more often.

  1. General research about the specificity of medical-oriented applications.
  2. Analysing websites of other medical appointments booking websites.
  3. Analysing services provided by the clinic.
  4. Analysing the behaviours, problems, motives of the patients.
  5. Biggest challenges and goals of the application.
  6. Creating personas.
  7. Creating user journey map.
  8. Creating framework of the application -> architecture of information.
  9. Low-fidelity ideating.
  10. Creating the style guide that will be modern and simple.
  11. Creating wireframes and high-fidelity prototype.
  12. Conducting usability-tests.
  13. Adjusting the design based on the conclusions from the tests.


37 years old


Daniel works in an international architectural office. He is well-organised, positive and introverted. His work is his life passion. When he is in the middle of the design process it is hard for him to stop and talk or do anything else. Oftentimes he works overtime.

Dental care

All the previous encounters with dental care that Daniel has had in the past didn't require any complicated treatment or procedure. He prides himself in taking good care of his dental hygiene and at least once per year he goes for a follow-up dentist visit. From some time, though, he noticed that he might need more frequent visits as he has started to experience minor teeth problems.

Technical environment

Daniel is a tech-enthusiast, he likes to make his life easier with the technology, if he finds out about a way to do his errands by some new app, he does it. He likes to keep all the planned appointments in the phone's calendar to have access to it everywhere.


21 years old

Psychology student

Mila is an outgoing, creative, people person, engaged in many extra-curricular activities. Her schedule is packed and it is different each week. Besides attending university classes, she runs a student organisation and does charity work in a local NGO.

Dental care

Lately, she decided to put on braces, as she didn't feel comfortable with her smile, especially in front of a bigger public. She needs to see an orthodontist every 6-8 weeks for a follow-up visit. Her schedule is busy, that's why she wants to have a possibility to decide about the date of the appointment, not sooner then one week in advance. If her plans change, she wants to have the possibility to also change the details of it.

Technical environment

She uses her phone to organise her schedule, doctors appointments, meetings with friends. She strongly relies on the reminders and notifications on her phone, she would like to take as many things off her mind as possible.

How to provide a user with enough information so they are certain about the doctor and the type of visit they are choosing?

How to handle cancelling of the appointments? Till when is it possible?

How to make the whole process of going to the dentist less stressful?

How to help the patients take care of their dental hygiene more?

How to provide a user with an extra benefit that would make the application installation worthwhile?

How to explain simply the design process and different types of service available?

How to make an application looking serious as for a medical related application and at the same time not too formal and boring?

Using high-fidelity website's prototype I conducted usability tests on three individuals. My observations :